Submissions from 2024
A Basecamp for Student Group Projects: Analysis of the Use of Project Management Software in the Advertising, Public Relations, and Marketing Classroom, Adrienne Wallace, Keith Quesenberry, and Michael Coolsen
Submissions from 2023
Nigerians in poverty consume little wheat and wheat self-sufficiency programmes will not protect them from price shocks related to the Russia–Ukraine conflict, Lenis Saweda O. Liverpool-Tasie, Thomas Reardon, Charuta M. Parkhi, and Michael Dolislager
Submissions from 2022
Consumption of healthy and unhealthy foods by the African poor: Evidence from Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda, Michael Dolislager, Lenis Saweda Liverpool-Tasie, Nicole Mason, Thomas Reardon, and David Tschirley
Engaging the Disengaged: Implementing a No-Tech Policy After Years of Adding Tech to the Classroom, Keith Quesenberry
Submissions from 2019
The Impact of Spirituality and Occupational Stress Among Middle School Teachers, Kennie L. Cook and Andrew T. Babyak
Bridging General Education and the Business Discipline: Surfacing Central Themes through a Core Course, Jennifer Dose
Do dissonant ad visuals cause consumers to discount prescription drug side effects?, David Hagenbuch
Drama Goes Viral: Effects of Story Development on Shares and Views of Online Advertising Videos, Keith A. Quesenberry and Michael K. Coolsen
What Makes Facebook Brand Posts Engaging? A Content Analysis of Facebook Brand Post Text That Increases Shares, Likes, and Comments to Influence Organic Viral Reach, Keith A. Quesenberry and Michael K. Coolsen
Submissions from 2018
Toward a Theory of Biblical Leadership, Andrew Babyak
Customer Satisfaction as an Antecedent to Engagement in Co-Creation of Value in the Hotel Industry, Andrew Babyak and Laurence Bell
Submissions from 2017
Biblical Leadership at Work Scale Development, Andrew Babyak
Interview Protocol Design Project Using a Video Interview Platform, Jennifer Dose
Submissions from 2015
A Teaching Strategy for a Christian Virtual Environment, Andrew Babyak
Beyond association: How employees want to participate in their firms' corporate social performance, David J. Hagenbuch, Steven W. Little, and Doyle J. Lucas
Current trends in communication graduate degrees: Survey of communications, advertising, PR, and IMC graduate programs, Keith A. Quesenberry, Michael K. Coolsen, and Kristen Wilkerson
Submissions from 2014
An Examination of the Impact of Personality on Implicit Leadership theory, Andrew Babyak
Response: Spreading the “Tone at the Top” Throughout the Organization, Jennifer Dose
What makes a super bowl ad super? five-act dramatic form affects consumer super bowl advertising ratings, Keith A. Quesenberry and Michael K. Coolsen
Submissions from 2013
How to Respond to Groupthink in the Church, Andrew Babyak
Submissions from 2012
A Qualitative Investigation of Self-directed Learning in Senegal, West Africa and Its Implications for Human Resource Development, Andrew Babyak
Organizational Effectiveness in Higher Education: Faculty Informal Structure as Social Capital, Jennifer Dose
Proverbs: Ancient Wisdom for Contemporary Organizations, Jennifer Dose
Jonah lehrer - how we decide (book review), Keith A. Quesenberry
Training, Transforming, and Transitioning: A Blueprint for the Christian University, Michael Zigarelli
Submissions from 2011
Work Values: An Integrative Framework and Illustrative Application to Organizational Socialization, Jennifer Dose
Submissions from 2009
Difficult Choices in Total Compensation: Balancing Health Care Costs and Wage Increases, Jennifer Dose
Human Nature and Teaching Management Theory, Jennifer Dose
Submissions from 2007
Understanding satisfied and affectively committed clients lack of referral intent, David J. Hagenbuch, Michael D. Wiese, Jennifer J. Dose, and Michael L. Bruce
Submissions from 2006
Leader-Member Exchange in Scripture: Insights from Jesus, Noah, and Abraham, Jennifer Dose
Service learning inputs and outcomes in a personal selling course, David J. Hagenbuch
Submissions from 2003
Information Exchange in Personnel Selection Decisions, Jennifer Dose
Submissions from 2002
Relationships Between Accountability, Job Satisfaction, and Trust, Peg Thoms, Jennifer J. Dose, and Kimberly S. Scott
Submissions from 1999
The Relationship between Work Values Similarity and Team–Member and Leader–Member Exchange Relationships, Jennifer Dose
The Diversity of Diversity: Work Values Effects on Formative Team Processes, Jennifer Dose and Richard J. Klimoski
Submissions from 1997
Clarifying the boundaries of sexual harassment and employer liability: Judicial application of Harris v. Forklift Systems, Inc., Michael A. Zigarelli
Submissions from 1996
An empirical test of conclusions from effective schools research, Michael A. Zigarelli
Compulsory arbitration of non-union employment disputes, Michael A. Zigarelli
Dispute resolution mechanisms and teacher bargaining outcomes, Michael A. Zigarelli
Submissions from 1995
Doing the Right Thing in the Workplace: Responsibility in the Face of Accountability, Jennifer Dose and Richard J. Klimoski
Drug testing litigation: Trends and outcomes, Michael A. Zigarelli
Submissions from 1993
Catholic social teaching and the employment relationship: A model for managing human resources in accordance with Vatican doctrine, Michael A. Zigarelli