Date of Award
Document Type
First Advisor
Dr. Matthew Roth
Since I started writing Ascend, I have heard the same question over and over: "Why?" Why write a story about one of the most hated and vilified characters in history? Why write about it as an epic, of all things? After all, the epic is dead, or at least "normative[ly] childlike" when compared to the more modem novel.1 So why write in this "childlike" manner, why shun the accepted form of the novel and decide to write an epic? Well, two reasons really. One, I thought it would be fun. Two, I wanted to find out if I could write something bigger than myself.
Recommended Citation
Wheatley, Daniel, "Ascend: An Epic Poem in Forty Days" (2008). Honors Projects and Presentations: Undergraduate. 258.