Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Fall 2022
Obtain an overview of major resources (especially free!) and search strategies to get your patrons started on their genealogy searches. Ideas for genealogy related programming to get more of them interested and engaged will be shared, as well as possible organizations and businesses who could provide speakers and/or low- and no-cost assistance to both your library and your patrons in this effort.
Beth Transue is the Information Literacy Librarian at Messiah University. She coordinates information literacy instruction across the undergraduate and graduate curriculum, including a robust instruction program in required first year
core courses. In her personal time, Beth enjoys delving into family history, a hobby which she grew more serious about during COVID lockdown. She is currently working with a librarian colleague to create a small genealogy research
business, Thistle Genealogy Services, over the next few years.
Presented at the 2022 Pennsylvania Library Association Annual Conference, Harrisburg Hilton, October 16 - 19, 2022
Recommended Citation
Transue, Beth and Porter, Mary, "Inviting Patrons to Party with Their Ancestors: Finding Resources, Creating Programs, and Forming Partnerships for Genealogy" (2022). Library Staff Presentations & Publications. 26.
This presentation was partnered with a presentation by: Mary Porter, Technical Services Librarian, Indian Valley Public Library