Date of Award

Spring 2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Biological Sciences

First Advisor

Jeff Erikson


A multi-faceted stream analysis was done on the Cedar Run stream system using 7 different sample sites on the 4 branches of the stream. Aquatic benthic macroinvertebrates were collected, sorted, and identified to species level to create a score which indicated the health of the stream. This stream health score was supplemented by data about the chemical make-up and physical features of the stream. Land cover data was also used to help better describe what the area around these sites is like. Using these different types of data, a more current, holistic picture of the current status of Cedar Run was created. There have been previous studies done within this watershed, but current data was needed as there have been potentially negative environmental changes in the surrounding area. 4 sites scored moderately impaired and 2 scored attaining CWF in Fall 2019. 6 sites scored moderately impaired and 1 scored attaining CWF in Spring 2020. Site 1 showed an increase in score over time. Collector/gatherers dominated the feeding groups at all sites.
