Date of Award
Spring 2004
Document Type
"We live in an age when the flick of a dial on a television set brings us immediate diversion- enough to fill all our evenings and weekends year in and year out. ... While we have grown accustomed to these conveniences and rely upon some of them as necessities of everyday life, many of us have begun looking back to a less commercial, more individual creative time."
This is the introduction to the Readers Digest Association's Crafts and Hobbies manual. Is it true that so-called "hobbies" are a dying breed? If so, what does this imply about society as a whole or the individuals that make it up? There are a number of possible connections between the ways people choose to spend their free time and the overarching culture of our day.
Recommended Citation
Wicks, Danny, "Hobbies verses the World Are We Becoming a One-Dimensional Society?" (2004). Honors Projects and Presentations: Undergraduate. 287.