
Sam Boden

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Psychology, Criminal Justice and Sociology


The global food policy of recent decades could be described as a “race to the bottom,” as governments apply amoral principles of neoliberalism in search of the cheapest places and ways to produce food, with little attention paid to the justice aspects of food production and distribution (Carolan 2013). Food policy in the United States inhabits this description while alsobeing incredibly complex—the state and federal food policy processes require the cooperation and funding of numerous agencies and political operatives and are subject to the push and pull of competing private interests and public objectives (Wilde 2013). In the midst of this jostling for food policy space, the voices of citizens are often unheard. This is problematic, as food issues like food insecurity—the inability to acquire nutritionally adequate and safe foods—remains a serious problem for many Americans, with 14.5% of U.S. households categorized as food-insecure (Coleman-Jensen et al. 2011). Additionally, the persistent dichotomy between America’s urban and rural problems (its consumers and producers, roughly) is increasingly pronounced, which further isolates consumers from food policy which affects them (Pothukuchi & Kaufman 1999).
