Date of Award

Spring 4-27-2015

Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)



First Advisor

Dr. Matthew Roth


From the late nineteenth century—Leo Tolstoy’s time, when the seeds of the Revolution were being sown—to glasnost, the fall of the USSR, and the tumultuous years of transition into a post-Communist Russian state, the role of Tolstoy has been shaped and reshaped, questioned and debated.Ultimately, the ideological needs of the state have guided the treatment of Tolstoy and his works; as these needs have changed, so has the author's role in society. The relevance of Tolstoy’s writings and his status as an embodiment of"Russianness" persist to this day.In particular,Anna Karenina reflects an ongoing theme in Russian history whose origins far predate Tolstoy: the conflict between the forces of nationalism and westernization.


This paper is provided open access to promote scholarship and is intended for personal study and not-for-profit educational use.
