"A Comprehensive Approach to Program Development and Assessment" by Raeann Hamon and Debra Berke

A Comprehensive Approach to Program Development and Assessment

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Curriculum development for family science programs can be approached in a systematic, thoughtful manner. One approach that can assist us in attaining educational excellence for our students and our program is the Continuous Process Improvement model (CPI). This model was successfully implemented at Alverno College (2003) and Central Missouri State University (Mullin & Grelle, 1994). In each context, the campus culture was transformed to “focus on student learning, explicitly driven by performance-based learning outcomes, integrated by systematic and continuous assessment and feedback” (Mullin & Grelle, 1994, p. 4). In this article, we will illustrate how professionals can use this approach to evaluate family science curriculum, by demonstrating how we used a “quality” process model to assess our own human development and family science program.


Berke, D. L., & Hamon, R. R. (2003). A comprehensive approach to program development and assessment: Using a continuous process improvement systems model. Journal of Teaching in Marriage & Family, 3(3), 291–325. https://doi.org/10.1300/J226v03n03_03
