Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


Nursing (Graduate)

First Advisor

Kristen Slabaugh


Background: Insufficient caregiver knowledge regarding the physiology and correct management of fever in children contributes to adverse health outcomes in children.

Problem: Lack of multimodal education and resources for caregivers on the management of febrile children leads to medication dosing errors, overutilization of medical resources, and caregiver ambiguity when caring for their child.

Methods: A multimodal educational approach (MEA) on discharge education for the care of a febrile child directed towards caregivers who presented to a pediatric emergency room in Eastern PA, was implemented, and caregiver knowledge and caregiver’s perception of preparedness at time of discharge was measured.

Intervention: The MEA included verbal and written instructions, a video, an interactive mobile application, and a teach-back demonstration. A knowledge score was measured before and after receiving education using an MEA for each caregiver (n = 10). Caregivers’ perception of their preparedness to care for a child with fever at home was measured with the Brief Prepared (BPREPARED) scale after receiving education using an MEA.

Results: Knowledge scores levels were not significantly greater after the MEA (Mdn = 7) than before the MEA (Mdn = 6), z = 25, p = .054; however, the differences were clinically significant (r = .61). There was a nonsignificant relationship between post-education knowledge scores vs. post-education preparedness scores, r = -.307, p > .05.

Conclusion: There was clinically significant evidence that an MEA improves knowledge at time of discharge when caring for a febrile child. A strong conclusion cannot be made about the correlation between post-education knowledge and preparedness of caregivers.


Project and poster are included.

C_Jones_DNP Poster-2021.pdf (502 kB)
Poster for Fevers in Children
