Relationships between Native and Non-native English-speakers for Missions
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In the field of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), a “Native English-Speaking Teacher” (NEST) is an English teacher whose first language is English—typically someone from a country whose national language is English. A “Non-Native English Speaking Teacher” (NNEST) is an English teacher who has learned English as a second or foreign language (i.e., a Brazilian who teaches English or an Indonesian who teaches English). I became interested in these teacher identities as I developed a language institute as part of our mission’s seminary in Brazil, and noticed the positive working relationships between the Brazilian English teachers and the native English-speaking short-termers on staff. I wondered to what extent these relationships were central to the school’s successful English program. I thus started on a path of research and discovery.
Recommended Citation
Dormer, Jan, "Relationships between Native and Non-native English-speakers for Missions" (2007). Educator Scholarship (Graduate). 3.
Originally published as:
Dormer, J. E. (2007, October). Relationships between native and non-native English speaking teachers for missions. Evangelical Missions Quarterly, 43(4), 458-465.