At Messiah University, our faculty come from a wide range of schools and experiences, are they are all committed to our students and their development. Educators foster spiritual, philosophical and theological reflection that enables individuals to develop and deepen Christian commitment, interpret matters of faith intelligently, and minister to others with wisdom and compassion.
Submissions from 1978
Some Thoughts on Power, Reta Halteman Finger
(Wo)Mennonites, Reta Halteman Finger
Servant Leadership: a journey into the nature of legitimate power and greatness, Reta Halteman Finger and Freeman Miller
Submissions from 1977
The liberating Word: guide to nonsexist interpretation of the Bible, Reta Halteman Finger
Women, Men, & the Bible, Reta Halteman Finger
Submissions from 1975
Who does the dirty work in the kingdom?, Reta Halteman Finger