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Presented on Friday, February 21 as part of Messiah College’s 2020 Humanities Symposium. This exhibit, “Vulnerabilities & Securities in Historic Harrisburg: From Abolition to Suffrage,” was produced by the Center for Public Humanities Student Fellows and Dr. Sarah Myers’s Public History Class.
While she was still an undergraduate, Bennett established her reputation as a poet when her poem “Nocturne” was published in The Crisis (the journal of the NAACP), and her poem “Heritage” was published in Opportunity (a magazine published by National Urban League). Just a year later, Bennett read “To Usward, ” her tribute to novelist Jesse Fauset, at the now famous Civic Club dinner in New York. The gathering of African-American creative talent launched the Harlem Renaissance, the flourishing movement of African American writers, artists, and musicians. Bennett was not only a contributor to the Harlem Renaissance, but she also nurtured other voices in the Renaissance by starting a support group for artists and writers, including Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, and Zora Neale Hurston.
This poster was edited by Dr. Jean Corey, Katie Wingert, and Dr. Sarah Myers.
Publication Date
Digital Harrisburg, women, urban, diversity, multicultural, Messiah College, Messiah University, Pennsylvania
African American Studies | United States History | Women's History
Recommended Citation
Cunningham-Firkey, Eva; Kelly-Davis, Kennesha; Soash, Janelle; and Swarner, Faith, "Renaissance Woman: Gwendolyn Bennett" (2020). Women of the Eighth Ward. 1.

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African American Studies Commons, United States History Commons, Women's History Commons