The Invitational Evangelist: How Saint Patrick’s Invitational Rhetoric Transformed the Celtic Church
Date of Event
Document Type
Open Access Poster
Dr.David Dixon
How could a feminist communication theory possibly relate to a Christian movement that developed in Ireland over 1,500 years ago? While the ideas appear to be worlds away from each other, some investigation reveals that they are unified in ways that have not previously been explored. Through a thematic analysis of two primary source documents, this study aims to detail the use of invitational rhetoric throughout the transformative ministry of Saint Patrick, as well as the implications for how this type of communication can be useful to faith-based communicators in the present day.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Recommended Citation
Myers, Jennifer, "The Invitational Evangelist: How Saint Patrick’s Invitational Rhetoric Transformed the Celtic Church" (2022). 2022 SACS Symposium. 5.
This project was completed as part of COMM 493: Communication Senior Seminar. It was shared at the First Annual SACS Undergraduate Research Day on Friday, April 22, 2022.