Date of Award

Fall 2023

Document Type

Project Open Access


1. What were the perceptions of EI providers that received their coaching endorsement, on the value of improving their competence and confidence in applying the FGRBI coaching model to improve client outcomes?

2. Among caregivers of children served in early intervention, what were their experiences with an FGRBI endorsed provider?

The inherent nature of early intervention (EI) service delivery involves developing a strong collaborative dynamic with caregivers in support of the child.Our study investigated how providers and caregivers felt about the new implementation of theFGRBI model within HMJ counties. Despite low response rates, overall both providers and caregivers reported they felt the FGRBI modelincreased the collaboration process duringservice delivery. Consequently, providers and caregiversreported thattheFGRBI model added more value to sessions in contrast topreviouslyusedcoaching techniques. These perceptions demonstrate the positive impact the FGRBI model has made on increasing caregiver confidence in collaborating with providers for developing an appropriate client centered plan for their child. Providers also agreed that increased collaboration with caregivers seemed to promote greater levels of caregiver involvement during direct service delivery. Further research into the effectiveness of the FGRBI model in comparison to previous models, as well as more specific comparisons of key indicators should be conducted due the recent implementation of the FGRBI model in HMJ counties.
