Epitaxial growth of metastable δ-TaN layers on MgO(001) using low-energy, high-flux ion irradiation during ultrahigh vacuum reactive magnetron sputtering

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An analysis of epitaxial growth of metastable δ-TaN layers on MgO(001) by the use of low-energy, high-flux ion irradiation during ultrahigh vacuum reactive magnetron sputtering was presented. High-resolution X-ray difftraction, transmission electron microscopy and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry was used for the analysis. The room-temperature resistivity, hardness, elastic modulus, and relaxed lattice constant were determined for the δ-TaN layers.


Originally published as:

Shin, C.-S., Kim, Y.-W., Hellgren, N., Gall, D., Petrov, I., & Greene, J. E. (2002). Epitaxial growth of metastable δ-TaN layers on MgO(001) using low-energy, high-flux ion irradiation during ultrahigh vacuum reactive magnetron sputtering. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, 20(6), 2007. https://doi.org/10.1116/1.1513639
