Avoidant Personality Styles: Hiding from What You Need the Most
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"I'm sorry, I must be going," Dave muttered after only being at the party for a half hour. Have you known someone like Dave who goes to social events or strikes up conversations, only to seem nervous, walk away quickly, or act like they would rather be some other place? Or have you often had these reactions around people yourself? What you may have noticed or experienced could be the struggles of someone with an avoidant personality style.
Recommended Citation
Johns, Paul A., "Avoidant Personality Styles: Hiding from What You Need the Most" (2002). HDFS Educator Scholarship. 20.
Originally published as:
Johns, P. (2002). Avoidant personality styles: Hiding from what you need the most, booklet in Narramore Christian Psychology Series. Arcadia, CA: Narramore Christian Foundation.
Published freely online by Narramore Christian Foundation.