The Rapid Orthotics for CURE Kenya team as a whole aims to empower the orthopedic technicians in the CURE Kenya hospital by creating, optimizing, and testing 3D printed prosthetics and orthotics. Our team started in 2016 by creating a 3D printing process for below the knee prosthetic sockets. Since then, we had adapted to the hospital's needs over the years, expanding the capabilities of the system itself. Presently, a section of our team has worked specifically with these leg sockets to ensure the safety and functionality for patients. They have done testing to make sure the sockets are strong enough and to make sure the silicone liners are safe for use in developing countries. In addition to safety testing, over the years we have created ankle-foot orthotics and prosthetic hands. The design part of our team works to create new 3D printed devices to help our clients reach more patients. By 2024 we hope to fully integrate our expanded system in the orthopedic workshop in Kijabe, Kenya.
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undergraduate research, collaboratory, college, university, innovation, global, improvement, messiah college, messiah university
Agricultural and Resource Economics | Development Studies | Engineering | Nonprofit Administration and Management | Urban Studies and Planning
Recommended Citation
Curry, Shane D.; Pond, Thomas C.; Vogan, Emma K.; Griffith, Gabrielle E.; Rider, Jared R.; Sparks, Samuel; and Weindorf, Brandon J., "Mechanical Testing of 3D Printed Prosthetics" (2020). 2020 Collaboratory/Engineering Symposium. 4.

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Agricultural and Resource Economics Commons, Development Studies Commons, Engineering Commons, Nonprofit Administration and Management Commons, Urban Studies and Planning Commons