The Gravity Fed Water Project aims to provide direct access to safe and clean water to about 150 people in Sipacapa, Guatemala by using gravity to transport water from groundwater seeps down a mountain to the community. The project partners with the Mennonite Central Committee. Concrete intake structures will be built for various groundwater seeps, then water from those will be combined into one large concrete intake structure. The water will then be piped down to a concrete water tank which will help to store enough water for a day's use for the village. There will then be piping going to two different locations which will each have a storage tank. The Gravity Fed Water team plans to travel to the site to install part of the system in the future, although the date is uncertain. While in Guatemala, onsite water testing will be done for bacterial coliforms and the intake structure and the piping to the first storage tank will be built.
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undergraduate research, collaboratory, college, university, innovation, global, improvement, messiah college, messiah university
Agricultural and Resource Economics | Development Studies | Engineering | Nonprofit Administration and Management | Urban Studies and Planning
Recommended Citation
Sobek, Ella; Aldrich, Sarah A.; Higley, Jordan E.; and Grant, Joseph, "Gravity Fed Water System" (2020). 2020 Collaboratory/Engineering Symposium. 12.

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Agricultural and Resource Economics Commons, Development Studies Commons, Engineering Commons, Nonprofit Administration and Management Commons, Urban Studies and Planning Commons