Document Type
Publication Date
Fall 1991
Years ago when I was an undergraduate at a small Christian liberal arts college, I was sitting in our chapel auditorium waiting for the sermon. The chaplain walked to the lectern, opened his Bible, and read for us the familiar parable of the Good Samaritan. He ended the reading from Scripture with these words, "The road from Jerusalem to Jericho runs straight through your dorm room." He paused, and we expected the sermon. Then, after a moment of silence, he dismissed us. What power in few words!
I want to argue that words, though limited are God's gift to us humans: they have the potential to communicate. For I believe that words, rooted in God's creative Word, do have meaning, a meaning which we can discover.
Recommended Citation
Nisly, Paul, "A Word of Hope" (1991). English Faculty Scholarship. 5.
Originally published in:
Faculty Dialogue, No. 17, Fall 1991