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Book Review

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The subtitle of Fleshly Tabernacles could have easily substituted "Hermeneutics" for "Poetics," since it becomes clear that for Bryan Adams Hampton the acts of reading and writing are in practice as inseparable as the monist's soul and body or the divine and human natures of the Christ as understood by Christian orthodoxy. But, in fact, this book's primary concern is with reading texts, primarily biblical texts and Milton's texts, and with how virtuous readers incarnate the truths they discern in the texts they read. This instances one of a number of hermeneutical circles, in that readers become virtuous by incarnating what they read, and they incarnate what they read by exercising their virtue. Hampton capably demonstrates how this happens—or, at least, how this should happen—in Milton's major poems.


Originally published as:

Fleshly Tabernacles: Milton and the Incarnational Poetics of Revolutionary England, by Bryan Hampton Adams. Modern Philology (May 2014): doi:10.1086/674692.
