Date of Award
Winter 2020
Document Type
The City Beautiful movement in Harrisburg benefited from the part- nership of two key reformers, J. Horace McFarland and Mira Lloyd Dock. A close reading of their correspondence offers insight into the nature of their relationship, their personal views, and reflections on the long-term effects of City Beautiful.
Recommended Citation
Elspas, Molly and Strange, Anna, "Friends of Reform: The Correspondence of J. Horace McFarland and Mira Lloyd Dock" (2020). Student Scholarship. 5.
Included in
American Studies Commons, Digital Humanities Commons, Public History Commons, Race and Ethnicity Commons, United States History Commons
Originally published as:
Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies , Vol. 87, No. 1, SPECIAL ISSUE: HARRISBURG, DIGITAL PUBLIC HISTORY, AND THE “CITY BEAUTIFUL” (Winter 2020), pp. 122-128