Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)




Minimalism means living with intentionality. It is a mindset to remove the excesses of life and focus on what is truly important (Nicodemus 2015). Minimalism encourages people to let go of material goods that do not serve a purpose or bring joy to their lives. It reminds people to be conscious of what they buy, only consuming what will add value. The goal of minimalism is not to restrict oneself to owning less than 100 items or living as a nomad. Rather, it is a tool to find freedom from chaos in this world and the consumer culture. Minimalism teaches people to eliminate discontent, reclaim their time, be present in the moment, pursue their passions, and create more. People do not need to feel guilty for owning things, but they must be careful of valuing possessions over relationships, health, and personal growth. Minimalism promotes Christian values, environmental sustainability, and economic growth.
