Date of Award


Document Type



History, Politics and International Relations


A recent op-ed in Germany’s Die Welt national newspaper claims that “[w]ith the exception of soccer and the Eurovision Song Contest, there’s nothing around which Europeans rally as a whole…” (Gersemann, 2011, para. 4). The European Union (EU) has no official language in the way that most nation-states do. Information distribution is therefore limited across national and regional borders. The Die Welt op-ed questions the EU’s trustworthiness, as information emerges that Greece did not meet the financial requirements to join the euro. Along with other economic barriers to integration, the op-ed notes the “missing European mind.” Not even individuals in member states’ national governments are willing to abandon national thinking for a more continental, unified mindset. The absence of this “European mind” has both contributed to and been fed by high-profile issues facing the EU.
